Saturday, November 3, 2018

It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

I am a reader; I always have been a reader. I was reading books all on my own by the time I was three years old, and I've never stopped reading.

Except for that I haven't really read any books not intended for babies, since June.

Day three of thirty: A Favorite Book

One of the best things about being a new mom, is experiencing all of the nostalgia. I find myself wrapped up in Sesame Street and Mister Rogers, and reading the books I loved as a little kid. I buy vintage Fisher Price toys instead of newfangled plastic crap. I asked for used books at my baby shower and have read old Care Bear stories all summer long. I love that my baby's toys are in my grandma's toy box, and that I can cuddle Grant on the couch and watch Jungle Book to my heart's content.

From almost the first day home with Grant, I've made sure to take a few minutes during bedtime to read him a story. And it has been my absolute favorite. I love to pick out a book among my favorite oldie but goodies, snuggle up on the couch, and read out loud - Grant likes to look at the pictures and turn the pages, and I like to make silly voices and attempt not to stumble over crazy Dr. Seuss rhymes.

I love books, and I love that Grant already loves books. I love that I can take him to Powell's, sit on the floor with him, and thumb through a Curious George adventure before picking out some of my old favorites to buy and take home to add to his bookshelf. I love that I'm the one who reads to him - whether I have to get up early or go to work or take him somewhere or leave him home, at the end of the day, I get to put him in his jammies, snuggle him up, and read our bedtime story.

And I am fairly confident that a time will come that after he falls asleep, I will be awake enough to curl back up and read my own book.
An adult sized one.
One with chapters.
And big words.
And no pictures.

I'm pretty sure someday that will come again. 

Until then, though, for today my heart is thankful for my favorite time of the day, snuggling up to read a story to my baby.

Friday, November 2, 2018


I don't know if it qualifies as a freedom if you don't earn any income the whole time and so technically you're too broke to do anything, but I am really, really grateful that I was able to take 18 full weeks off of work for maternity leave...

Day two of thirty: A Freedom You Have

Not everyone is able to take 18 weeks off work without pay.

In fact, most people are not able to take 18 weeks off work without pay.

And in all reality, I should probably not have taken 18 weeks off work without pay.

But I did.
Because I could.
And because I wanted to.
And because my parents were able to help me do so.

I think what it boiled down to, was that I was able to pay my rent and car payment in advance and save up some money in the months leading up to my maternity leave, so that Matt only had to earn enough with his summer gig to pay for our more minor expenses - groceries, cell phones, etc. And I knew ahead of time that as long as I could save that extra, pay ahead on rent, and be smart with saving what I could ahead of time, that I would be free to take an extended maternity leave and not have to go back to work the very moment I could roll my mangled body out of bed.

My maternity leave was not free.
It wasn't paid.
In fact, we just did the math - before insurance, if we include the absence of income, it cost well over $50,000 to carry and deliver Grant, and then for me to stay home until October.

Was it difficult? Oh yes, very.
Was it worth it? Oh yes, very.

We will take two years to fiscally recover from my four-month "vacation" as someone called it today. Two years. To recover our savings, pay back my parents, and see my gross income and taxes back to "normal."

And yet, it was worth every hardship to come, to spend those 18 weeks at home with my new baby.

I have watched far too many of my friends go back to work only six weeks postpartum. Six weeks?! At six weeks, I could literally barely walk to the mailbox, let alone come back to work. At six weeks, Grant was still snuggling through every nap, eating every five seconds, peeing through diapers in between each of those five seconds. More importantly, he was still making a new sound, a new movement, a new face, every time I looked at him. And my hormones were OUT. OF. CONTROL. I could never have just missed one of his new noises; I'd have likely died.

Six weeks is not even remotely enough time to heal - physically or hormone-wise - and go back to an office 40-50 hours a week. I can't even imagine. I had a hard time coming back at 18 weeks.

But six weeks is the sad reality in America, because our employers don't pay for our time off to bond with our babies. The second your vagina is sort of back in place, they want you back at a desk. It took a lot of planning, scrimping, and compulsive list-making for Matt and I to get a plan in place so I could take the time off. It was certainly not "free" by any stretch. But today, my heart is definitely thankful for the freedom to take an extended leave, so I could be home to adventure with my nugget.

And Then I Puked on the Floor at Chevron

I located this graphic online while searching for just the right 30 day Instagram photo challenge, and felt it would make for a great 30 day BLOG challenge - and since I am clearly a blog failure these days, a bit of competitive motivation may just be the ticket to get my wheels turning again.

So with that, here we go...

Day one of thirty: Someone You Love 

It is hard to narrow this down to just one person I love for whom I am grateful...which is of course, not a bad problem to have. At this point in my life, I am simply surrounded by love - one decision I feel that came instinctively the moment Grant was born, was the decision to only surround him with love. The fact that this means I too am only surrounded with love, is a happy result of the decision I made on Grant's behalf.

I am, of course, especially grateful for Matt, with whom I now share my home, my life, my before-bed ice cream, and my baby boy. He has definitely demonstrated to me that at the moment in your life that you are ready for someone or something, life has a way of delivering. I wasn't looking for Matt. I wasn't looking for anything or anyone; I was existing happily in my world, working my ass off, starting fresh with a new job and a new apartment, in a new city...technically even a new state. And what was intended to be a casual, friendly plus one to a wedding, has turned into 14 months of complete transformation, and what I can literally only describe as bliss.

I think that part of the experience of real love is someone providing for you what you didn't know you needed. I have always been fiercely independent, and I would never have been consciously aware that I would be in need of something that I couldn't get for myself. I never would have thought that by escorting me to a wedding as a family friend, Matt would change everything about my life, and all for the better.

I am still the same fiercely independent person, with a pretty strong desire to do what I want, how I want, where I want - but the past year has taught me that being with someone who loves you, doesn't actually take away from that. Matt helps me make decisions, but he never tells me what to do. He weighs in, but supports my choices. He is considerate, thoughtful, engaging, and ultimately helps calm my brain as it spins off its top.

Most importantly, though, Matt is right by my side - always - as we successfully raise our tiny human. And so today because it is my blog topic (but every other day because he's awesome), my heart is thankful for Matt.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Why I'm the Reason Doctors Can't Say "One Hundred Percent Sure"

Five years ago today, I had an endometrial surgery, after which I was told I would not likely be able to conceive a baby on my own (yes, I know no one can conceive a baby alone - that isn't what I meant). I had the surgery thinking that I had a cyst on my ovaries, which is actually a pretty simple procedure. But mid-surgery, my mom was notified that I actually had a large amount of endometriosis that needed removed. Also, what they believed from my ultrasound to be a cyst on my ovary, was actually a leftover part of what would have developed into my male reproductive organs, had I been a boy, and it was wrapped fully around my fallopian tube.

WHAT??! Yes, I am dead serious, and here's a science lesson: When a fetus is still developing, they have what is necessary to be either male or female, depending on the surge of testosterone that either does (makes baby a boy) or does not (makes baby a girl) enter the system sometime late in the first trimester. Prior to that, basically the fetus has all that's needed to be either male or female, and once the testosterone makes that decision for the fetus, the cells become either male or female, and the baby's sex is determined.

Aaaaand here I was, 29 years old, undergoing surgery to remove what actually ended up being cells that would have formed part of my penis, had my body flooded with testosterone while I was still an embryo. Instead, my body was not flooded with testosterone, so I became a girl...and then my body held on to some of the boy parts, and in turn, was essentially making me sterile.

Yea, I know. WHAT. THE. FUCK.

Anyway, so they were somehow able to remove all this gross crap and in turn salvage my fallopian tube, because science is amazing. However at this point I was told I would likely need the intervention of science and technology, should I happen to change my NEVER, NO WAY, NOT ME stance on becoming a mother. And because I didn't want to be a mother, I was mostly okay with that. I had a bit of trouble accepting that the decision was now being made for me by my put-together-wrong body, instead of made by me mentally, but in the end I was glad it was me and not a woman who was desperate to bear children. Better me than someone else, ended up pacifying me, and I moved on with a few short chats with my therapist.

I then spent the next five years convinced that - as I was told by my doctors - I wasn't going to be able to get pregnant. I was relatively routine with my birth control, but not as careful as a single woman should be. The more time that passed that I didn't have a pregnancy scare, the more solidified I becae in the fact that it wasn't going to happen - after all, if I could get pregnant, certainly at some point of forgetting my pill for days at a time, I would get pregnant. And I never, ever did. So the not being able to have a baby thing, just firmed up in my mind as I moved through my single adulthood.

Which of course I now understand is not super responsible.

Anyway, so with that bit of back story, let's fast forward to September, 2017, shall we?

My BFF Kattie was getting married, and my other BFF Rachel and I were both in the wedding. Since we knew we would have lots of bridesmaid duties to attend to throughout the day, and since I was as single as ever at this point, we decided I should take Rachel's brother in law as my date, so that her husband had company to hang out with at the wedding. It was basically a brilliant plan devised by Rachel and I, adhered to by Josh and his brother Matt, because they tend to just go with the flow of what's asked of them.

Matt was the best wedding date ever.


Because as I type this - six months after the wedding - I am five-and-some-change months pregnant with our baby boy.

Now may be a good time to include the fact that Matt, too, was told by qualified medical personnel that he would not be able to conceive children. And in case you were thinking that we decided to try to have a baby anyway, let me just stop you right there. There was no efforts made, no plan in place, no hopes, no discussions, not even any fleeting thought. There were, however, several consecutive days and nights of two consensual single adults enjoying each other's company.

And at least one of them developing quite a crush on the other one of them (fortunately this crush has both been mutual and continued to develop over the last five months).

As time went on and we continued hanging out more, I was finding myself sick at all hours of the day. Really sick. Puke sick. Miserable. But for me, this is also a quite normal side effect of stress, and working at the building I was working at, was causing some stress. I thought literally nothing of this constant nausea. It mimicked a similar episode from a couple of years prior, where I was eventually regurgitating everything I ingested; at that time I had spent a lot of time and a lot of money for a diagnosis of "carries stress in the tummy, try to chill out." I had no intention of repeating the same expensive routine I had already, and wrote my symptoms off as stress.

So did my mom, for the record.

Every day, she was sending me Yoga apps and calming articles, reminding me to shut off my phone at night and to get more sleep.

Anyway, so Matt and I continued to hang out, I continued to throw up constantly, and I continued to think it was really weird. I failed to take into account other symptoms, like the fact that I was gaining weight even though I wasn't holding any food down, or the fact that I was exhausted. I didn't notice the increased chin acne or the fact that my boobs were bigger, nor did it ever cross my mind that I had not had a period in several months. Literally you guys, I am not exaggerating even remotely - my body was physically screaming that I was pregnant, and I was as oblivious as any human could ever be.

Finally, on Christmas morning, I sent a Snap to Rachel letting her know I was on my way to her house after Christmas breakfast. I was annoyed because I had just thrown up my breakfast. I had scheduled a doctor's appointment for like, March 12th and was frustrated about waiting such a long time when I was literally barfing non stop. She snapped back that maaaaaybe just to be safe, I should pick up a pregnancy test.

"To rule it out," we said.

I texted Matt and let him know I was taking one, and we literally both thought nothing of it. I was 1,000% certain the result would be negative, and that I was wasting six dollars on a two pack of Clear Blue tests on Christmas morning...where surely the cashier had judged the fuck out of me.

I get to Rachel's, and no one is home - Matt had tagged along with Josh to pick up Rachel's mom and brother for Christmas dinner. Rachel is in the kitchen, so I run up to the upstairs bathroom to pee on the waste-of-money stick. I go to set it down on the counter - because you know, they take two minutes to process or whatever - and the damn thing is already blue.

Not a little bit blue you guys. SOLID. FUCKING. BLUE.

Like, holy shit you are reeeeeeally pregnant, blue.
No Doubt About it Blue, as I will now refer to the shade of that solid bold blue line.

And all I can do in this moment is yell down the stairs for Rachel, while still having the wits about me to wash my hands. As she comes up the stairs, she's sighing and telling me that it hasn't been two minutes, and what do I possibly need from her. I hand her the stick (because apparently if it's a pregnancy test, no one cares that it's still your pee) and we have a shared heart attack before she gets the words out that we're both thinking: well, you are pregnant as fuck!

And that I was!

And that I am!

I called the doctor immediately on the 26th, and scheduled an ultrasound for as soon as humanly possible - which for them was January 3rd. Matt and I waited the eight day eternity for the appointment, where an ultrasound tech confirmed that I was, in fact, 16 weeks pregnant. The ultrasound image was not that of a kidney bean like most first ultrasounds, but rather of a human body, waving at us on the screen. He seemed to be saying, "it's about time, you morons," but in a cute baby way. We left the doctor, got back to my apartment, and shared the news to Facebook (news we had already divulged to parents and immediate family members): miracle baby on the way - don't listen to doctors who tell you that you cannot make a baby.

Because as it turns out, you maybe can.

Just don't think about it, ponder it, wonder about it, be curious over it. Don't worry or stress about it. Accept it as not happening, ever. Move past it and then don't be careful with your birth control, because why would you be? It's not like you can get pregnant. Oh and also choose a partner who can't get you pregnant; don't waste time with some Fertile Mertile.

Fully embrace that getting pregnant is impossible. Apparently that is the secret.

And of course, it makes total sense that I am having a boy...since my story started with my fallopian tube being essentially crushed and almost destroyed by my own leftover embryonic boy parts!