Saturday, November 3, 2018

It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

I am a reader; I always have been a reader. I was reading books all on my own by the time I was three years old, and I've never stopped reading.

Except for that I haven't really read any books not intended for babies, since June.

Day three of thirty: A Favorite Book

One of the best things about being a new mom, is experiencing all of the nostalgia. I find myself wrapped up in Sesame Street and Mister Rogers, and reading the books I loved as a little kid. I buy vintage Fisher Price toys instead of newfangled plastic crap. I asked for used books at my baby shower and have read old Care Bear stories all summer long. I love that my baby's toys are in my grandma's toy box, and that I can cuddle Grant on the couch and watch Jungle Book to my heart's content.

From almost the first day home with Grant, I've made sure to take a few minutes during bedtime to read him a story. And it has been my absolute favorite. I love to pick out a book among my favorite oldie but goodies, snuggle up on the couch, and read out loud - Grant likes to look at the pictures and turn the pages, and I like to make silly voices and attempt not to stumble over crazy Dr. Seuss rhymes.

I love books, and I love that Grant already loves books. I love that I can take him to Powell's, sit on the floor with him, and thumb through a Curious George adventure before picking out some of my old favorites to buy and take home to add to his bookshelf. I love that I'm the one who reads to him - whether I have to get up early or go to work or take him somewhere or leave him home, at the end of the day, I get to put him in his jammies, snuggle him up, and read our bedtime story.

And I am fairly confident that a time will come that after he falls asleep, I will be awake enough to curl back up and read my own book.
An adult sized one.
One with chapters.
And big words.
And no pictures.

I'm pretty sure someday that will come again. 

Until then, though, for today my heart is thankful for my favorite time of the day, snuggling up to read a story to my baby.

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